50 ans INRIA Paris – Souriez pour un café
PeoPeo launches Voodoo : The Ultimate Portable Boombox
Adding NO2 sensor to Airbeam
“Explore air quality” workshop

21/09 ATMO Auvergne Rhône Alpes and la Péniche organized explorons la qualité de l’air workshop . Participants got some micro pollution sensors, they did different experiments to measure some air pollutants in Grenoble. Full program here. NO2 sensorintegrated to Airbeam by A4H has been used during this workshop. A related…
Mobicitair – Press-conference

Some months ago, I took part in Mobicitair experiment led by ATMO Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (funded by Grenoble Metropole and Auvergne Rhône Alpes region), which gave me the opportunity to discover and play with the Airbeam. 3/10/2017 we attend mobicitair pres conference. Here are associated press articles and TV reports :…
Robot docking – Robair
Two wheels drive – hoverboard hack

At A4H we are interested in interacting with any surface. After having taken apart Mogees, we decided to make Vibrato. Vibrato is a wireless device that detects vibration on any surface. With vibrato, you can control any object by touching a surface. This project has been done by ENSIMAG students. During…
FindMe Hat

Maxime qui a réalisé son stage de DUT Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle au sein d’Amiqual4Home a pu travailler sur les technologies Lora afin de réaliser une application e-textile dans le contexte suivant : “La maladie d’Alzheimer induit une perte de repère chez les personnes qui en sont atteintes, elles…